Grease Analysis
Grease testing and trending plays an essential role in the maintenance of mission critical machinery. We provide comprehensive grease analysis and condition monitoring reporting. Our services help you stay on top of mission critical grease conditions, degradation trends and wear rates to minimize unplanned repairs, downtime and disruptions and extend the life of your machinery.
We can screen your grease samples at our laboratory and provide you with Grease Thief© pre-packed sample kits for easy, accurate and efficient onsite sampling. Grease Thief conforms to ASTM D7718 for grease sampling. The method for testing is based on ASTM D7918.
If we obtain unusual or abnormal test results, we can run a further grease analysis to identify specific problems.
We perform grease tests to ASTM and other industry test methods and protocols, including:
Tests Performed

Test Performed 1
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Test Performed 2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas a cursus nisl, ac porta dolor. Phasellus sed sagittis magna. Vivamus sollicitudin efficitur est a laoreet. Donec laoreet consequat tristique.

Test Performed 3
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas a cursus nisl, ac porta dolor. Phasellus sed sagittis magna. Vivamus sollicitudin efficitur est a laoreet. Donec laoreet consequat tristique.