Customer Sinavor Seafoods (DALIAN) Co., Ltd
No. 168 Pulandian Dalian
China Fengrong Industrial Zone
Dalian, 116200
Start Date 09/01/23
End Date 09/01/24
Invoice Payment Date 05/30/23
Certification Scope

Seafood HACCP

Product codes: 16AVD12, 16AVD32, 16AGD12. 16AGD32

Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Accredited Third Party Certification Program (TPP)

This certification scheme covers the FDA’s official accredited third-party certification (TPP) of foreign suppliers, which demonstrates compliance with the applicable US FDA food safety regulations. It also helps importers and their suppliers comply with the requirements of the Voluntary Qualified Importer Program (VQIP), which offers expedited review and entry of food into the US.