Creating the right environment for employees to succeed is paramount to the success of the business. With increasingly diverse workforces becoming the norm, understanding this and treating employees as individuals is vital to successful people management.
After obtaining a variety of different insights we identified new opportunities for improvement in 2019 related to communication management and entrepreneurship.
With employees in field-based roles, with limited or no access to emails, we required a new approach to communication that would help them feel more engaged with the company and its culture and improve their experience. As mobile phones were the primary tool used by employees to stay engaged outside of work, we created the “SGS Go” app.
In 2019, we also launched “SGS Emprende” in Callao, in association with the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP). This program offers skills training and apprenticeships for startup enterprises.
Diana Juro
Human Resources Manager
SGS Peru