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Our value to Society

As the world’s leading inspection, verification, testing and certification company, our value to society is enabling a better, safer and interconnected world.

Letter from the Chairman and CEO

Peter Kalantzis and Frankie Ng

For SGS, sustainability is part of our DNA. Our sustainability performance is widely recognized internationally.

Dear stakeholders,

We are pleased to share this year’s Corporate Sustainability Report with you. This report deals exclusively with SGS’s sustainability performance in 2019, yet it would be remiss of us not to acknowledge the unprecedented outbreak, which is one of the most disruptive pandemics in history. We do not yet know what the full impact of the COVID-19 virus will be, medically or economically, but it is already clear that the social and economic disruptions will be deep, broad and long-lasting.

During these difficult times, sustainability continues to remain a part of our DNA, and our Purpose-driven Leadership model continues to place value creation at the heart of our company. By enabling a better, safer and interconnected world, we deliver value, throughout our whole value chain, for our stakeholders and the wider society. Our sustainability leadership has again been widely recognized internationally, thanks to our continuous positive performance against our Sustainability Ambitions 2020. We invite you to find out more in our 2019 Sustainability Report.

Signatures of Peter Kalantzis and Frankie Ng

Full Sustainability Letter from our Chairman and CEO

Questions for the Sustainability Leadership Team

The SGS Sustainability Report 2019 is aligned with the GRI Standards and is externally assured by Deloitte.

Sustainability at SGS

Sustainability at SGS

Our Purpose-driven Leadership puts sustainability at the heart of our company culture and policies. We are committed to creating net positive value to society. By aligning the SGS 2020 Sustainability Ambitions with the Sustainable Development Goals, we are leading the broader corporate sector in building a more sustainable economy, environment and society.

  • 4.6million hours of employee training across the network
  • 25%decrease in total greenhouse gas emissions since 2014
  • 6,650million CHF value of positive societal benefits generated by SGS
employee doing an inventory check

Sustainability at SGS

Being a sustainable business is at the heart of our activities. Find out more about how we create long-term value to society.

Watch the video


Our Material Topics

We conduct materiality assessments in order to identify the topics that are most material to our stakeholders.

In 2019, we carried out an in-depth materiality assessment to gather inputs with which to update our Business Materiality Matrix. This process involved a consultation with over 800 stakeholders in 74 countries. We combined their inputs with evaluations made by SGS’s Operations Council to determine the topics with the potential to have the highest impact on the organization.

Find out more about our material topics evaluations in our Sustainability Report

Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were developed by the United Nations (UN) as a comprehensive and universally recognized framework of global priorities and aspirations for 2030. Our Sustainability Ambitions 2020 are closely linked to the SDGs, and our services support them. We have mapped our direct operations, supply chain and services against the SDGs to guide us in developing aligned strategic plans, allocating resources and developing associated local management and reporting processes.

Find out more about how we support the SDGs in our Sustainability Report

What is Value to Society?

Value to Society describes the value that we create beyond our financial return. SGS adds value to society in three ways: managing our direct operations against our Sustainability Ambitions, promoting sustainability in our supply chain and addressing global challenges through our leading services.
Case studies

Sustainability Case Studies 2019

In 2019, our projects focused on adding value to society by enabling a better, safer and interconnected world.

These initiatives highlighted tangible actions being taken within our four Sustainability pillars - Professional Excellence, People, Environment and Community. Under each pillar, we use Group-wide policies, global programs and local initiatives to reach our goals. Many initiatives were developed worldwide in 2019 including:

Links & Downloads

Download the Sustainability Report 2019 and learn more about our progress.